Important Dates
Opening Date for On-line Registration of Application 10th September 2020
Closing Date of submission of Application 15th October 2020


General Instructions
1 Read the Instructions carefully before applying for any position.
2 For detailed Notification/Advertisement, click here and read it carefully before filling-up the on-line application.
3 Before start of filling-up of application through on-line mode, the candidate should keep ready the following details/ documents:
  • Valid E-mail ID & Mobile Number
  • Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 months). Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process.
  • Scanned signature
  • Updated Resume
  • Required certificates and relevant documents as mentioned in the Advertisement
4 Category [General (UR)/BC/EBC/SC/ST/EWS/PWD] once filled by candidate in the on-line application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible.
5 Candidates may apply for multiple posts, as per eligibility.
How to Apply
1. Candidates should have valid e-mail ID and mobile number, it should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Registration number, password and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID and suitable message in the registered Mobile Number (please ensure that email sent to this mailbox is not redirected to your junk / spam folder).
2. Candidates should fill the details carefully while filling in the on-line application. CANDIDATE CAN EDIT THE INFORMATION BEFORE FINAL SUBMISSION OF FORM, (*Once the form is submitted, it can’t be edited)
3. Only the documents submitted by candidates at the time of submission of online application should be considered for evaluation purpose, no documents submitted after the submission of application will be considered for evaluation purpose.
4. Candidates intending to apply should ensure that they fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria specified in the Job Descriptions in this advertisement. Candidates must necessarily produce the relevant documents in original and along with a photocopy in support of their identity and eligibility pertaining to category, nationality, age, educational qualifications & relevant work experience etc. as indicated in the online application form at the time of interview and at any subsequent stages of the recruitment process.
5. In case of overlap of durations in experience certificates, multiple experience letters with same date/ issue number, all such experiences will not be considered and summarily rejected.
6. The applicants are required to submit the duly filled application on or before the due date, failing which the application of the said applicant shall be treated as non-responsive. The applications received after due date shall not be considered.
7. Only one Application should be filled for one post by an applicant. The candidates, who wish to apply for more than one position should submit a separate completely filled application for each post along with the relevant documents and scanned certificates.
8. Curriculum Vitae (CV) will be considered as a document to assess overall and relevant experience and same will be validated with relevant valid documents.
9. Candidates with minimum cut off marks will be considered for further evaluation process as per the marking criteria for the position approved by JJHM.
10. Only Permanent resident of Bihar will get reservation benefits as per the guidelines of Government of Bihar.
11. In case of candidate having relevant document only in soft copy, he/she need to share the email from competent authority, who issued/communicated that document to candidate at the time of document verification. Non-Submission of email communication will invalidate that particular document and may result into rejection of candidature.
12. Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph, Signature and Certificates: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature as per the process given below. The applicant should note that only jpg/jpeg format is acceptable:
13. Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture on light background. The size of the scanned image should be between 50kb -100kb and in jpg/ jpeg format only.
14. The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black/Blue ball point pen. Size of file should be between 50kb - 100kb in jpg/jpeg format only.
15. Please scan the relevant Certificates. Each Certificate in PDF/DOC/DOCX format only and Size of file should be between 50kb - 1000kb.
For technical queries/ clarifications related to filling up of ONLINE APPLICATION, please feel free to contact the helpdesk at Email: or Mob. No. 9022909122

Job Openings

1 State Mission Manager : Component 1 to 9 and Innovation & Development 7
(UR-2, UR Female-1, BC-1, EBC-1, EWS-1, SC-1)
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Geology / Hydrology / Environmental hydrology / Agriculture and Allied Sector / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environmental Science / Rural Development / Rural Management / Management / Social Work / Soil Science / Forestry / Horticulture from a recognized University or Institution.
B.E / B.Tech. in hydrology / Civil / Water Resources / Agricultural / Environmental science from a recognized university or institution.
*Retired Central / State government / PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.6600.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 12 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation / land revenue / Geology / Hydrology / Environmental hydrology/ Environmental Science / Civil Engineering / Horticulture / Agriculture / Forestry / Agronomy and Environmental Science and other related developmental projects.
**Deputation of officers / Employee / Civil Engineers from concerned departments of state / central government / PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 5 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of environment conservation / water bodies / Hydrology / Civil Engineering / Irrigation / Rural Development.
90000 Closed
2 State Mission Manager : Component 10 Renewable Energy (Solar Energy) 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
B.E/B.Tech in Civil Engineering / Electronics / Electrical / Renewable Energy engineering from a recognized university or institution.
*Retired Central / State government / PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.6600.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 12 years of experience in the field of Civil Engineering / Electronics / Electrical Engineering.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government / PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 5 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of Electrical Engineering / solar/renewable energy or in related projects.
90000 Closed
3 State Mission Manager : Component 11 -IEC & Branding 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Mass Communication / Journalism / information and media studies / public relation from a recognized University or Institution.
*Retired Central / State government / PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs. 6600.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 12 years of experience in the field of Information service / Broadcasting.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 5 years post-qualification work experience with central / State Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in planning and implementing IEC strategies and programs / public relations / strengthening capacity of institutions to design / develop IEC / mass communication programs.
90000 Closed
4 State Mission Manager : IT & Monitoring 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in IT / MCA / Computer Science from a recognized University or Institution.
B.E / B.Tech in Information Technology / Computer Science from a recognized University or Institution.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source: Minimum 5 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of Informatics / Software Development / Data analysis / monitoring & Evaluation.
90,000 Closed
5 Mission Manager : Component 1 to 9 and Innovation & Development 10
(UR-2, UR Female-2, BC-1,EWS-1, EBC-1, EBC Female-1, SC-1, SC Female 1)
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Geology / Hydrology / Environmental hydrology / Agriculture and Allied Sector / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environmental Science / Rural Development/ Rural Management / Management / Social Work / Agriculture / Soil Science / Forestry / Horticulture from a recognized University or Institution.
B.E / B.Tech in hydrology / Civil / Water Resources / Agricultural / Renewable Energy / Environmental Science from a recognized university and institution.
* Retired Central/State government / PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 7 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation / land revenue / Geology / Hydrology / Environmental hydrology / Environmental Science / Civil Engineering / Horticulture / Agriculture / Forestry / Agronomy / Environmental Science and other related developmental projects.
**Deputation of officers / Employee / Civil Engineers from concerned departments of state/central government / PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation: Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of environment conservation / water bodies/ Hydrology / Civil Engineering / Irrigation / Rural Development.
60,000 Closed
6 Mission Manager : Component 10 Renewable Energy (Solar Energy) 1
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
B.E / B.Tech in Civil / Electronics/ Electrical Engineering/Renewable Energy from a recognized University or Institution.
*Retired Central/State government/PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 7 years of experience in the field of Geology / Hydrology / Environmental hydrology / Environmental Science.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation: Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt./ PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions ( having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of Electrical Engineering / solar / renewable energy or in related projects.
60,000 Closed
7 Mission Manager : Component 11 IEC and Branding 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Mass Communication/ Journalism/information and Media studies/ Public relation from a recognized University or Institution.
*Retired Central/State government/PSUs/IPRD officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 7 years of experience in the field of Information service / Broadcasting.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation: Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with Central/ state government / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global etc. in planning and implementing IEC strategies and programs / public relations / strengthening capacity of institutions to design / develop IEC / mass communication programs.
60,000 Closed
8 Mission Manager : IT and Monitoring 1
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in IT / MCA / Computer Science from a recognized University or Institution.
B.E / B.Tech in Information Technology / Computer Science from a recognized University or Institution.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt ./ PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global ADB etc. in the area of Informatics / Software Development / Data analysis / monitoring & Evaluation.
60,000 Closed
9 Mission Manager : HR and Training 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Management / Business Administration / HR Management from a recognized University or Institution.
*Retired Central / State government / PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission having 7 years of experience in the field of HR and Personnel Administration.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / private organizations / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global etc. ADB etc. in human resource management / Manpower management / administrative and HRD affairs.
60,000 Closed
10 Finance and Procurement Officer 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
PG Degree/Diploma in Management / Business Administration /Finance / Commerce from a recognized University or Institution.
Chartered Accountant (completed) from Institute Accountants of India.
Cost & Management Accountant (previously known as Cost Accountant) (completed) from Institute of Cost Accountants of India (previously known as Cost & Works Accountants of India).
*Retired Central/State government/PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs. 6600.oo Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission).
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 5 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one countries) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in financial management / financial planning / accounting and reporting / supply chain management system / handling procurement related activities like RFP / bid management, audit, contract management and vendor management .
90,000 Closed
11 Finance Officer 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
PG Degree/Diploma in Management / Business Administration /Finance / Commerce from a recognized University or Institution.
Chartered Accountant (completed) from Institute Accountants of India.
Cost & Management Accountant (previously known as Cost Accountant) (completed) from Institute of Cost Accountants of India (previously known as Cost & Works Accountants of India).
*Retired Central/State government/PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. /PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in financial management/ financial planning / accounting and reporting.
60,000 Closed
12 Procurement Officer 1
Essential Educational Qualification for candidates from open source / On deputation /Retired Officers :
Post-Graduation degree / diploma in Business Administration / Management from a recognized University or Institution.
*Retired Central/State government/PSUs officer at the time of retirement; should be at the level of Rs.5400.00 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission.
**Deputation from concerned departments of state/central government/PSUs.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source/on deputation:
Minimum 3 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in handling procurement related activities like bid/RFP management, contract management, Audit and vendor management, supply chain management system.
60,000 Closed
13 District Mission Manager 30
(UR-8, UR Female-5, BC-2, BC-Female-1, EBC-4, EBC Female-2, EWS-3, BCW-1, SC-3, SC Female-1)
Essential Educational Qualification :
Post-Graduation degree /diploma in Agriculture and Allied Sector / Agriculture Engineering / Agronomy / Horticulture / Crop Science / Environment Science / Sociology / Social Work / Rural Development / Rural Management / MBA from a recognized University or Institution.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source :
Minimum 1 year post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global, ADB etc. in the area of environment conservation / water bodies/ Hydrology / Civil Engineering / Irrigation / Rural Development.
45,000 Closed
14 Programme Manager 10
(UR-2, UR Female-2, BC-1,EWS-1, EBC-1, EBC Female-1, SC-1, SC Female-1)
Essential Educational Qualification :
Graduation in Science / Business Administration / Computer Application from a recognized institute or university.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source :
Minimum 2 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global etc. in the area of Data analysis / monitoring & Evaluation / Rural Development / environment conservation / renewable energy / IEC activities / Human Resource Management.
32,000 Closed
15 Accountant 3
(UR-1, UR Female-1, EBC-1)
Essential Educational Qualification :
Graduation in Commerce / Business Administration from a recognized institute or university.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source :
Minimum 2 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global etc. in book keeping, accounts related job and secretarial assistance.
27,000 Closed
16 Office Assistant 3
(UR-1, UR Female-1, EBC-1)
Essential Educational Qualification :
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized institute or university.
Essential Experience for candidates from open source:
Minimum 2 years post-qualification work experience with central / state Govt. / Societies and Trusts having ownership of state or Central Govt. / PSUs / International Developmental Organizations/Institutions (having presence in more than one country) like World Bank, UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, WWF, BMGF, DFID, IPE Global etc. in extending secretarial assistance and managing communication, office record, compiling of project information and maintaining records.
22,500 Closed
17 PA-cum-Steno 2
(UR-1, EBC-1)
Only for retired officer
Essential Educational Qualification / Experience :
Retired Central / State government officer having experience of working as PA-cum-steno for at least 10 years and at the time of retirement, officer should be at the level of 4200 Grade pay or above or in equivalent Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Commission.
27,000 Closed

Standard Reservation Guidelines

Standard prescribed guidelines will be followed throughout the process.

35% horizontal reservation for Women

Inclusion of third gender in List – II i.e. BC

List of caste under BC & EBC

List of SC

Non-creamy Layer (self-declaration)

Process for filling of vertical and horizontal reservation

Reservation for Divine Body

Reservation for EWS

Revision in Income criteria for OBC

List of ST




Other circulars regarding change of caste in BC & EBC categories




Other circulars regarding change of caste in BC & EBC categories

Reservation to grand son daughter of freedom fighter



For Any Grieveinces Please Reach Us On

Phone : +91 9022909122 | Email :